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Inspiring stories: Jakob Sand Larsen

This time we are featuring another young and successful digital marketer. Jakob shared with us his story, inspirations and key three pieces for new marketers. Get your coffee and dive in.

Hi, care to share a little bit about yourself?

Hi there! My name is Jakob, I am 25 years old, and as far as I can remember, I have been engaged with various social media platforms creating video content as a hobby.

Some of the content never received any engagement, while some content organically reached hundreds and thousands of views. Today I work as a Digital Marketing Manager at Wonderful Copenhagen, perhaps more widely known as VisitCopenhagen promoting the wonderful city of Copenhagen to national and international travelers.

Tell me one thing people don’t know about you.

Before studying and coming into marketing, I was highly engaged in eSports. I had a huge passion for team synergy and the competitive side of it, which could all be experienced digitally from the home desk. I still have a connection to eSports, and many of my former teammates still play for some of the most well-known organizations like Astralis, Heroic, etc.

Marketing is about values. What inspires you? 🌟

One thing that truly inspires me is boldness. Boldness to step outside of the box. To question the status quo. I highly believe that the ability to create actual value for the customer is the most crucial aspect of marketing.

Creating value can be difficult and can hardly be done without finding inspiration in other people, products, or companies. You do not have to reinvent the wheel to create value. Seek inspiration and you shall find that most innovations are built on top of the shoulders of giants.

Tesla is a great example; the company did not invent cars, but it simply put the innovation and technology on top of an existing product to make it even better. The same goes for marketing.

What are some lessons learned that have made you successful in your position today?

The key of being successful at any position is to work with products or companies that fascinate you.

I have been around the agency and client side of marketing and worked with hundreds of brands. I would say you should figure out a way to prioritize your time on what personally inspires you. That way your "work" becomes much more of a joy and feels much less like work. 😉

Any tips for fresh marketers?

Sure! Here I would like to point out three tips:

(1) Do not be afraid to start small - like doing unpaid work or getting an internship. All that matters is that you get that initial foot inside the door.

(2) Do not search your next opportunity only in big corporations. Starting in a smaller company often brings a large variety of tasks and can be a great way to lay an initial foundation. Therefore you can keep adding knowledge and hands-on skills.

(3) Find the things that interest you. There are so many things to learn within digital marketing that you could spend multiple lifetimes learning, so you have got to pick your battles along the way.

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Thank you for reading!

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